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Thursday, March 24, 2011

ini satu peniruan :(

cheating cheating on us :'(

haa, x de kene mengena pun dgn gmbr kat atas ni, just buat hiasan je, hehe..
ok ok, tad pg ade sesi fotografi, da mmg dr dlu lg aku gila baik KOT dgn uncle fotografer tu, hehe :)

so, i took a chance * nak jgak speaking aku ni..
each of us prepared our own prop, so then we all can weared for the photography session..
we had 3 photos for our freestyle and 2 photos for our magazine picture..
but we took 4 photos for our freestyle and 4 photos for our magazine picture..
hehe, maybe that uncle will choose which one is the best shot !
for the last shot, I asked that uncle to take my class of freestyle from upstairs..
yeahh, thanks for me cause give such a smart ideas, haha :P

yeah laa, none of classes done like that, so my class is the one did that..
after my class, then got other class did like that..
other classes did like that uncle took a picture from down..
also got just like what my class did, took a picture from upstairs..
yeah, i know they did not exactly same cause they all did diff style..
BUT its still cheating on us !

p/s : actually saje je post bende ni, sbb x tau pun nak post ape xP
to whom yg terasa * bhs rojak -.- * please la, jgn terasa, haha :P klw terasa jgak, lain kali cari idea fotograf korang sendiri ye ? tau la kelas aku punye smart, haha :P
fyi, BI saya x pro lg, so faham2 je la ape yg saya sampaikan kat post ni, hehe :)

byeeee c(:

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