google here :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Shadow and The Lost

you are my shadow,
always be there for me,
you'll never get lost from my life,
you always love who i am,
never care what people say,
as long as u with me,
never complain the things i did,

you are my shadow,
never lost from my eyes,
u always protect me from everything,
u kiss me to make im in wonderful dream when im sleep,
u wakes me up everyday so i dont going to be late to school,
u call me everynight to say goodnight,
u always accompany me so i dont feel lonely,

you are my shadow,
u make me give u the perfect smile,
always says i am beautiful from the inside,
u already complete myself inside and outside,
u give me a look to make me so perfect,
you make me feel so comfortable when im with you,
you said we will never be part,

you are my lost,
always be far from me,
always hurt me to break my heart,
always say the untruth so u may discontact with me,
always give me fake smile,

you are my lost,
never want to see me again,
never care i am sick or feel great,
never care what will happen to me,
never want to make me so perfect again,
u dont want to look back,

everything you dont to hate me, it just makes me feel so love you !
i miss the shadow, means i miss you AM :(
i miss the way we were together, i miss the old us,
i cant be far from you, i always get info about you because we have the connection..
the more i try to hate you, the more i feel miss and love you..
i want to see u badly :(
u give me one place, the name is firdaus (the heaven)
i cant forget about you, i am so lonely :(

mine, totally mine !

lampu baru ! huhu, beli dr ikea ni, hahaha xD * poyo jee :P
sweetkan, froggy couple :) hehe !
harini papa pasangkan lampu kat bilik, aku plak kemas katil..
ohh, bwh gmbr ni, aku punyee ! hehe
aku slalu jadkan hiasan, so bole laa aku kasi satu kat org, hehe :P
aku ade Classic, Mr Elmo, Pussycat Dolls(yg kat bantal tu)..
and 2 puppets from Fly Emirates :D
ohh, sarung bantal tu pun beli kat ikea, actually dgn comforter skali..
murah jee kot, haha xD

so, errrrrrrrr..
* aku x tau nak ckp ape sbnrnye, hahaha xD
da la, byeeee :)

suppost to be there !

haishh, bad bad bad feeling todayy !
i am so ill ! yesterday, i knew i would sick today, but i dont bother it..
now, congrats to EMIRA ! because already won sick award ! weeeppeeee !

yesterday, i cried, HAHA xD
because of chemistry exam.. i dont read, its difficult, time was running out, my brain already blurr !
i dont know i will pass or not, because a lot of questions, i didnt do !
ohh Allah, pleassee dont give me G ! :(

after subuh, i woke up.. i felt dizzy :O thats not good !
i need to go to school for graduation days, grr !
last year, i cant go because no transport for LAST MINUTE !
this year, i sick !!
goshh, what will happen to me for NEXT YEAR ? AM I GOING TO DIE !
greatt !

today, i fever, i dizzy, my stomach growling over and over, MINE swollen, my eyes is burn !
what to do? i suppost to be there, but now i got all this ??
ahhh, come on !!! this is not me, why i always sick ? grrrr ! -.-
haihh, what a dayy ? :(

p/s : sorry to my friends.. i cant make it to go there ! :( sorry to teachers and awyn :(

Friday, October 29, 2010

congrats :)

to AM..
i wish congratulation AGAIN :) hehe.. because u got an A for BM..
goodluck for others, i hope ur results going much better than before :)

if this was a movie :)

* i love this song :) *

Last night I heard my own heart beating

Sounded like footsteps on my stairs
Six months gone and I'm still reaching
Even though I know you're not there
I was playing back a thousand memories baby
Thinkin bout everything we've been through
Maybe i've been going back too much lately
When time stood still and I had you

Come back come back come back to me like
You would you would if this was a movie
Stand in the rain outside til I came out
Come back come back come back to me like
You could you could if you just said you're sorry
I know that we can work it out somehow
But if this was a movie you'd be here by now

I know people change and these things happen
But I remember how it was back then
Locked up in your arms and our friends are laughing
Cause nothing like this ever happened to them
Now I'm pacing down the hall
Chasing down your street
Flashback to the night when you said to me
Nothings gonna change not for me and you
Not before I knew how much I had to lose

Come back come back come back to me like
You would you would if this was a movie
Stand in the rain outside til i came out
Come back come back come back to me like

You could you could if you just said you're sorry
I know that we can work it out somehow
But if this was a movie you'd be here by now

If you're out there if you're somewhere if you're moving on
I've be waiting for you ever since you've been gone
I just want it back the way it was before
And i just wanna see you back at my front door
And i'd say

Come back come back come back to me like
You would before you said its not that easy
Before the fight before i locked you out
But i'd take it all back now

Come back come back come back to me like
You would you would if this was a movie
Stand in the rain outside til i came out
Come back come back come back to me like
You could you could if you just said you're sorry
I know that we could work it out somehow
But if this was a movie you'd be here by now

You'd be here by now
It's not the kind of ending you wanna see now
Baby what about the ending
Oh i thought you'd be here by now oh ohh ohh ohh
That you'd be here by now


teruk gila minggu ni !! exam elektif derr -.- !
lupakan harapan yg aku tau tu pasti palsu !
now satu je harapan aku, HARAP2 X GAGAL !
haishh, klw gagal, aku org pertama yg masuk hospital sbb SHOCK !

add maths..
paper 2, X ADIL ! kitorg lmbt start exam, abis cepat ! cikgu sej la ni, masuk kelas lmbt, da aku tinggal 1 soalan -.-..
paper 1, ni lg satu masalah ! budak petang la ni, tgk aku x bole focus.. kene tutup telinga! ni la padahnye klw duk kat tepi tingkap..
conclusion : haihhh, aku fikirkan jwpn dan jalan kira btul, rupanye... hmmm, x pyh ckp laa..

paper 2, errrr =____________= x pyh nak tau la ape aku rse.. grr !
paper 1, nak kate sng, kang kene dpt above 45 -.- soo, boleh laa.. ohh, buku yg aku pinjam kat cikgu, masuk plak soalannye, sebijik plak ! haha
paper 3, LAGI LA SENANG ! haha.. so, bole skor la kot ! huhu

paper 1 and 2.. BOTH SUCKS ! :'( bnyk kot aku tinggalkan kat paper 2, grrrr ! x sempat tahu x?
paper 3, will be coming next monday.. HOPE SENANG !

HANCURRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
x baca bab 6, 7 dan 8 :( bab 9 for essay section, argghh ! x sempat, tahu x?
da la x baca, susah plak tu, masa pun x cukup ! haihhhh..
ade jgak aku tinggalkan.. section c, da confirm 20 markah hilang !..
paper 3, next monday ! HOPE SENANG JGAK !

sepanjang aku exam dlm tahun ni, first time, exam chemistry..
AKU MENANGIS ?? :O gilaaa laa !
tolongg laa, x nak tau markah exam !

Thursday, October 28, 2010

perkara yg ditag di blog anis adrina

* this all few about me.. u cant to like or hate it.. u need to love it ! *

1. aku suka makan, mmg gila kuat makan tp berat badan x naik2 jgak.. makin bnyk aku makan, makin kurang berat badan (bukan aliens eh, just x dpt redha dr Allah nak naikkan berat badan, huhu)

2. yup, aku suka gila memasak, buat kek, coklat, ape2 je yg sejenis makanan.. klw da suka makan, mesti pandai masakkan?

3. dlu, aku gila tough, HOHO ! now, org ckp sepatah je, aku da nak nangis..

4. aku x bole sorg sorg, terasa gila kesunyian.. so, aku akan cepat menangis sbb fikir bende bukan2..

5. susah gila nak suka lelaki, haha ! dlu aku group ANTI-LELAKI.. sejak PRNH ade owner, now x de da, aku still join KOT group tu..

6. aku ade ?? x tau brape ramai adik beradik angkat.. aku syg gila gila kat zuhaili, megat haziq, mimi, johana, fadma dan kak lya..

7. aku ade kembar ! huhu, termasuk aku 4 org la, anis, ana dan ummu..

7.1. ape2 je kat aku almost smuanye sama dgn anis, paras rupa pun lebih kurang kot, hehe..

7.2. sikap or perangai, lebih kurang dgn ana and ummu..

8. aku suka jaga perasaan kwn2.. bila jaga perasaan diorg, smpi aku sendiri x jaga aku punye perasaan (pelik kah?)

9. aku x BENCI org kutuk2 or AIBkan diri kwn2 aku, aku nak je terajang sape yg buat tu -.-'
dengan aku pun jgn main2 eh ?

10. aku suka mathematics, now try nak suka add maths.. physics pun aku da start suka.. klw aku ade peningkatan aku ckp la I LOVE YOU, klw x I BENCI YOU !

11. aku sorg pengawas yg ade jawatan Penolong Setiausaha selama 2 tahun.. next year, aku xkan jad pengawas lg kot, huhu.. (dont ask me why =.=)

12. org x suka diri aku ? yeah, aku tau aku pura2 buat sikap or ape2 je la yg korg x suka akukan? mmg aku sengaja sejak form 1 lg.. but one day, U GUYS WILL GET A NEW ME !

13. aku ade ramai skandal, hahaha.. bukan aku yg nak -.- da diorg yg dtg kat aku, and stop serang2 aku or nak add2 aku kat fb.. please laa !

14. aku da kumpul ramai da org mintak couple, nak buat koleksi, haha.. now, aku da ade 13 org WHOAA ! skit je, haha, ok la drpd x de, huhu.. smuanye aku reject kecuali no 10 :)

15. aku suka tarikh ni dan xkan prnh aku akan lupakan smpi aku da masuk alam lain (fhm2 je la) 4 JULY 2010 :')

16. org suka panggil ku anak korea masa muda muda(budak kecik lg tau) dlu, hehe (bukan skrg ni da tua)..

17. aku suka update blog, mmg x de keje tp best gila.. blog la tmpt kite nak story, tp berpada2 laa..

18. aku org g jaguh minum air ! hahaha, just kasi aku 5 minit, depends saiz gelas tu jgak..

19. aku suka double or tripple cheeseburger !

20. aku suka bunga ! mostly suka bunga tulip dan bunga harum sundal malam.. other choice would be bunga mawar putih :)

21. aku suka dark chocolate :) gilaa sukaa :D

22. aku jenis yg x tunjukkan diri aku yg sebenar.. bak kate ummu kat fb dia "I'm a girls without too much complaining, only show my real attitude w the person that I comfort with. You'll never understand me till you know me, AND I'm not entertain certain people. Im a choosy girl :p "

23. aku suka minum orange juice or fresh orange * same je *, capucinno, MIRAnda strawberry and chocolate pleeassee ? hehe

24. aku x suka org masuk campur psl aku tanpa kebenaran aku ! klw aku cite kat dia, x pe laa.. ni x, busybody je keje diorg ni -.-

25. aku suka menyanyi ! haha, menari tradisional melayu pun aku suka ! * ala ala gadis melayu, hahaha xP

Sunday, October 24, 2010

petanda ? :'(

Sebagaimana penyakit kanker (cancer) yang lain, leukimia belum diketahui penyebabnya. Penyakit leukimia merusak sel-sel darah putih atau dalam bahasa kedokteran disebut sebagaiwhite blood cell (WBC). Dengan pengenalan dan penanganan dini, kesempatan untuk sembuh dari penyakit ini akan lebih baik. Berikut ini adalah gejala-gejala awal dari penyakit leukimia yang perlu Anda ketahui:

1. Anda sering merasa lelah? Leukimia dapat menyebabkan Anda mudah lelah, karena peningkatan produksi sel-sel darah putih mengakibatkan penyerapan energi yang besar dari tubuh.

2. Apakah berat badan Anda terus berkurang? Apakah Anda makan dengan porsi seperti biasanya, namun pakaian Anda semakin longgar? Leukimia menyebabkan berat badan berkurang, karena peningkatan produksi sel darah putih menyerap banyak kalori tubuh Anda.

3. Catat dan rasakan frekuensi sakit kepala/pusing dan kadang memunculkan rasa bingung. Peningkatan produksi sel darah putih yang tidak normal kemungkinan meresap ke sistem syaraf pusat.

4. Apakah Anak Anda seringkali berdarah, mimisan atau muncul lebam-lebam di beberapa bagian tubuhnya? Hal ini merupakan gejala umum penyakit leukimia pada anak. Disamping itu muncul bintik-bintik merah pada bagian tubuhnya, yang merupakan gejala umum leukimia anak yang lain, terkait dengan limpa dan pembengkakan hati.

5. Periksa jenis kepucatan Anda. Apakah anda kecerahan dan kebinaran wajah Anda mulai redum? Hal ini juga merupakan gejala umum leukimia. Peningkatan produksi sel darah putih yang tidak normal kemungkinan ‘mendesak’ sel darah merah anda, sehingga membuat anda menjadi seperti kurang darah.

6. Periksalah kelenjar getah bening Anda. Rasakan sesuatu di di bawah ketiak Anda atau tenggorokan atas Anda. Apakah Anda merasakan benjolan atau semacam pembengkakan di sana? Pembengkakan gejala getah bening merupakan gejala penyakit leukimia

7. Cobalah untuk merasakan dan mengingat-ingat apakah Anda pernah mendapati infeksi ringan namun tak kunjung sembuh? Walaupun tubuh Anda terus memproduksi sel darah putih, sebagai anti body tubuh anda terhadap infeksi., namun sel-sel darah putih yang diproduksi dari tubuh seseorang yang terkena leukimia tidak sempurna dan tidak dapat melindungi tubuh Anda.

8. Periksalah limpa Anda dengan cara: berbaringlah Anda di tempat tidur, letakkan telapak tangan Anda pada perut sebelah kiri, di bawah tulang rusuk. Rasakan apakah ada benjolan-benjolan kecil disana. Hal ini termasuk gejala leukimia.

9. Rasakan, apakah Anda sering berkeringat di malam hari disertai nyeri pada tulang dan perut mual/kembung. Waspadilah, karenatanda-tanda tersebut merupakan gejala leukimia.

penyakit kah?

errgghh, aku ni tgh sakit ke?
aku rse aku ni hidap satu penyakit yg dinamakan

ape petandanye, da aku alami :(
pleeaassee, i need someone !!!!!!!!!!!
for my last breath :(

it yours, AM

i missed the way u was..
i missed the way we talked..
i missed the way u walked..
i missed the way we smiled..
i missed the moment we usually got phone call everynight..
i missed the moment we both dated..
i missed the moment we walked together..

now, i feel happy when see u smiling..
i feel glad when see u laughing..
i feel pleasure when see u talking..

everyday, i see u from far..
i can love u from far..
everything is far from you..
i want u to realise how much i love u so much..
i dont mean to say that, i know its my fault..
its not your fault, its mine..
i was so wrong value towards you..
i will be there for you, although i know now u start to hate me, to get far away from me..
but i will beside u when u feel lonely, feel bored..

yes, i know, i am not yours anymore..
just give me one chance to u to know how much i love u..
how bad u are in front of ur friend.. IS
how perfect u are with me..
i feel i am alive in heaven, i feel my trulyself when i am with you..
i show myself, only to you.. not others, thats why people say bad bout me..

how possible to make myself hates you ?
everytime i said is definitely 100% upside down..
it makes me feel i love you..
i cant forget you, its not easy for me..
i want to see u badly, i want to talk with u badly..
everything i want to do is with you againn..

i hope u are not try to hate me of get far from me..
i am so frreeaakking lovee the old youu..
i am so freeaakinngg miss the old uss :'(

Saturday, October 23, 2010

tipu atau benar ?

haha, ni yg aku suka..
mula2 aku buat in a relationship..
then, single..
then, in an open relationship..
lps tu, widowed..
now, engaged..

lps tu ape? huhu..
inform u guys..
Bilo maso den tunang, gate sanget den ni -_-
kocik kocik da gate..
haihhh, so, u know what i mean ? :) thanks, huhu

make my dream comes true :)

haha, prnh mimpi mcm dlm gmbr ni.. tp tmpt je lain, aku mimpi kat tmpt satu kwsn ni, b'dekatan kat rumah aku.. tmpt tu yg tmpt aku suka lepak klw aku kesunyian * cewahh *
tmpt tu indah kot, bg aku laa..
aku still mencari jejaka yg muncul dlm mimpi aku.. neaayyhh ! i know it wont happen..

ade ke mimpi ni akan jad kenyataan?
jeng jeng jeng, nak tau mimpi ni bile muncul?
since aku sekolah rendah, tahu x ?
kirakan da lama gila gila laa..
aku pelik, knp mimpi ni x plak jad kenyataan..
tunggu masa kah? smpi mcm2 aku lalui, bru nak jad kenyataan kah?
ataupun hanya la mimpi je..
hehh, pening kepala aku fikirkan hari hari -_-

ohh, gmbr ni is exactly sama dlm mimpi aku tp tmpt lain dan orgnye lain ye..
just andaikan aku yg jad perempuan tu laa..
* laa,xkan aku jad lelaki kot.. haihh *

p/s : i want my dream comes true but who was the guy in my dream ?

yours forever

human being, always want to be in love..
love is one emoticons, kinda like in heaven..
when u felt, u feel so happy, so thankful, so cheerful..
some people said, love is kinda from heaven..
u cant see love, but u can feel it..

once u felt, u will say that the world is mine..
how happy u are when u know that u have someone to take care of you except your family..
u laugh, u smile, u giggle-ing bacause of them..

but some people said love is kinda from heaven..
when u felt it, u feel like u want die..
u dont want have scretch on your heart..
u dont want them will hurt you..
u feel like so hurt when u felt it..
u want to cry, burn inside your heart, like grrrr !

in the reality, its not wrong to feel it, love is not hurting someone.. its true, love kinda like u feel u are in heaven.. love is from heart, not her appearance..
if u love them from heart and they got good appearance, ITS GOOD !
just perfect for you ! if they got all of them but ur friends or something terrible situation that makes u feel like stress, that is only one thing to test u.. how much u love them..
your love is someone think you are special and makes you different between u and other girls/boys..
how them treat you, kinda like them use or show themselves only with you.. not other person..
ur true love is always beside you, either u hate them or u already hurt them.. they always company you and dont care what will happen, they always there for you..

if u already have someone, love them through heart..
if u already let someone go, love them back..
ur true love is around you, take them or leave them !

cant denied

because let me fall in love with you
because u are so caring
because my heart already have you
because u dont want me to let out from ur life
because u make me feel this way towards you
because u make me so loving you right now

AM, i love you ! dont leave me !


ape laa yg x kene dgn aku ni ? HAHAHA
skrg ni, mmg Macam Macam Ada perasaan aku alami tau..
kejap kejap, aku nak je maki hamun dia..
kadang kadang, nak je belasah dia..
hoho, geram pun ade, bengang lg la ade..
tp kadang kadang tu, sayang jgak..
rindu plak tuu, haishh..

sape dia? mg laa, haha..
dia ni buat aku gilaa tau.. nak aku fikir psl dia, haihh, bukan dia nak fikir psl aku..
skit skit, tnye aku mcm2 soalan, sedangkan dia bole plak tnye org lain..
saje la tu cari psl dgn aku, dia tau aku x suka org bnyk sgt tnye, soalan yg x de kaitan kot dgn aku..
tu yg dia tnye tu, grrr

dlu, prnh ade kot hubungan dgn dia.. bukan ape ape pun, kwn je tp org kate skandal aku..
EWAH WAHH, x de keje aku nak ade HUBUNGAN dgn dia..
then, now dia ade plak hubungan dgn seorg perempuan ni..
AKU JEALOUS ? ehh, tolong laa..
klw perempuan tu sama standard dgn aku OR better than me, bole laa aku jealous..
ni TAK pun , tidak sama skali tauu..

diorg buat aku gelak ! HAHAHA xD x de taste ke diorg ni? aiyoo !
bole laa tahan, "buat kwn bole laa" hahaha..

mg : kesiaan kau ! hahaha xD
ehh, aku x jealous pun, perempuan tu dgn kau buat aku gelak ! HAHAHAHAHA xD

just the way you are - bruno mars

*Currently, i love this song badly, i wish someone could sing for me*
dont mind his voice is "sumbang" but for me its beautiful and sweet :)

Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see

But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

Her nails, her nails
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy

She's so beautiful

And I tell her every day

Oh you know, you know, you know
Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you're searching for
Then just stay the same

So don't even bother asking
If you look okay
You know I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

The way you are
The way you are
Girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

teras weeks is gone

yess ! minggu pljrn teras da pun beredar, huhu !
BM : okay laa, ade jgak yg masuk, ape yg da buat mse exam lps..
BI : pun sama, hehe.. but so far, okay jgak..
Math : actually sng jgak tp sbbkan straight lines yg aku x fhm, buat aku kecelaru =.=
Sej : OHH TIDAAK ! x pyh ckp la kan, smua org da tau, haihh -.-
Sivik : err, sng la jgak, haha
Agama : paper 2 susah skit, paper 1 sng kot..

next week : add math, bio, physics and Chemist..
ohh ! pleasse, harap2 la sng !
klw bole nak la add math jad A/B..
bio jad la C..
physics jad la A..
Chemist jad la A/B..

Friday, October 22, 2010

popular KONONNYE

haihhh, blog aku ni tmpt blog b'jalan ke?
ohh, slalunye korg dgr internet b'jln..
NOW dgr plak blog b'jln ni !

copp ! knp la korg ni? org lain yg aku harapkan baca, mmg la org tu baca..
tp ade plak yg x dijemput baca, suka laa korg baca blog aku -_-

lg2 budak yg kenal aku, bila jumpe je aku, ckp la psl ape yg aku post kat blog..
perhh, diam diam ade iphone 4 rupanye -.-
haha, means org yg aku x sangka tu, rupa2nye skodeng jgak blog aku, huhu

popular rupanye blog aku ! now aku da tau, mama baca..
cikgu baca..
sng aku post psl politik, psl kerajaan, rakyat b'suara !
cehh, haha

x pe, anda dialu-alukan membaca ! tp x pyh la jad gosip plaakk, haihhh
sape yg terasa tu, terima kasih, haha xD
ape yg aku post kat fb, hanya luahan aku je..
ape yg aku rse, aku post laa..

p/s : for someone should i call Human, i am not as you as "F" word person.. u so not a girl, u are devil, YOUNG LADY !! why i called u that ? because u use the F !!

thanks :)

should i do?

always hoping he with me now but i know
always use something plan to make but i know
always want predict his feel about me but i know
always dream of him and please be dream comes true but i know
always want him say love me but i know its

what should i do? if i start every conversation between me and him, means i am such a psycho..
if not start, i will hoping and hoping and pray
why i was loving AM so much ? if i know its gonna be like this way, I KILL MYSELF !

1 down 2 more

huhuuu, exam teras da pun lepass :D
exam elektif plaak -______________-
klw maths susah, ADD MATHS?? :O
nak tiru, x bole, ni FINAL EXAM !

so, taram je klw x tau, x baik tiru tiru..
that is not me :D

goodluck pljr yg sama bidang dgn saya ! hehe

pujian 2 :)

ohh, harini dpt pujian drpd Pn Utthaya :)
maybe effect sbb mimpi dia kot smlm, haha

harini dia dia puji aku, dia kate "bagus mira, awak sorg je ckp terima kasih"
HAHAHA XD mesti laa bangga oww !
time tu, nak jwb paper 1 agama :D

bila kat nabilah je, cikgu kasi je kertas, cikgu tunggu nabilah ckp, tp x koot * ntah laa, haha
so, saya bangga ! :D

p/s : budak 4sc2, ni la yg cikgu ckp kan, haha

miss him :(

ohh, imisshim..
the way we both walked together..
the way we both laughed together..
the way we both smiled together..
the way we both talked together..
the way we both drunk together..
the way we both looked each other eyes..
the way we both texted together..
the way we both on the phone..
the way he said iloveyou..
the way he said imissyou..
the way he said he still needed me..
the way he said he still wanted me..

i cant even say to him, difficult for me to say, imissyoutoo.. iloveyoutoo..
because every each single second, i always miss him..
if i ever heard his voice, i want to say i want him back..
i would cry all day long !
i cant do anything without him ! i am so jealous over him with other girls..
i dont care what people saying bout me to you, as long as you know
if you still with you word, i hope

i misss himmm !
i cant find other guy, even i know have someone is better than him

my heart and soul still with him, how should i stop?
everyone cant stop me to love you because if they did

now, whatve been posted by anis on her blog is the same way i feel..


hari rabu, malam ! aku dgr lagu sixth sense- yang sempurnakan ku..
dgr je lagu tu, aku nangis, haihh aku rindu kat diorg oww !
hari2 aku tunggu diorg tegur..

this week, bila terserempak dgn erra, aku senyum, senyumkan sedekah..
*satu kelas pun bole terserempak?* ye laa, klw kat kelas asyik tau date dgn buku je, mne la nak prasan org kat kiri dan kanan..

AT LAST, bila hari khamis, lps je abis sej paper 2, tiba2 edayu datang kat sebelah aku..
then, dia mintak maaf, lps tu aida, then erra, then nadiah and last nabilah..
hoho, aku nangis !

selama ni, klw gaduh dgn kwn, lg truk pun ade, x de la smpi nangis..
now, masalah yg maybe terasa ape diorg ckp, or salah seorg drpd diorg, senang je aku nangis..
as long as, aku dpt ckp balik dgn diorg, everything is going back to life !

yupe, masa tu.. aku da ckp kat diorg yg aku rindu diorg ! haha
so, i miss you guyss !

Thursday, October 21, 2010


baebaayyhh ! i read whole book of history book !
from chapter 1 up to 10 !
* Seriously it was killing me inside -________-

dammnn ! if i dont get better marks than before, i'll kill JPS !
maybe its difficult, WHY THEY ARE SO MEAN TO STUDENT ?? :(
i read whole book, each point i understood *maybe*
but i hope i remember all points in my mind !

during THIS midnight, during solat Isyak, i was headache !
my brain suddenly cramp ! duhh -_- terrible when i felt it..
serious, at least give C or D :(
Allah, im freaking begging you !! aminnnnnnnnn :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

sekolah intergrasi Darul Al-Quran xD

saya rindu sklh ni ! haha, sklh agama dlu, bnyk gila kenangan !
now, da lost contact dgn diorg except haizan dan fatin :)
fatin add fb aku this year, haizan plak aku jumpe dia time kitorg form 2..
tu pun sbb papa dgn ayah dia keje satu company..

kat sklh ni jgak, bru aku jumpe first guy ckp dia suka aku, HAHAHAHAHA
ingat lg nama dia, zulkifli, cutee oww xD tp sayangnye, aku tua dr dia setahun, hahaha..
zul x tau yg aku ni tua setahun dr dia sbb kitorg time thn 2003, kitorg sama kelas..
dia berumur 8 thn, aku 9 thn, haha, so kitorg masuk drjh 2 :D * jad muda seketika..
ingat lg, hadiah dia kasi kat aku sempena birthday aku, dia kasi diary, ade lg kot smpi skrg, haha tp da koyak :P

bila thn 2005, so aku sepatutnye drjh 4 kan sklh agama ? tp aku lompat, masuk drjh 5..
ye laa, nnt bila aku da form 1, xkan still sklh agama sbb nak amik UPSRA ?
so, pengetua kat situ, Ustaz Sayutti * ade lg no dia, haha * dia tlg aku buatkan smua urusan bljr aku kat sklh agama, ehemm da nama pun pengetua, haha..

walaupun aku x bljr topik2 drjh 4, but aku dpt mumtaz dlm subjek Bhs Arab, huhu..
yg lain, lintang pukang, haha.. jawi dgn khat, of course la okay tp x ingat dpt ape, ahaha
aku rindu diyana najwa ! huhu, budak pandai ! dia dgn haizan suka b'lwn, sape lg pandai, haha..
bila tgk list result yg highest, everytime diorg je yg naik turun, haha..

ckp psl haizan, teringat bila aku suka kacau dia, dia suka kacau aku.. aku suka dengki dgn dia, dia pun sama.. err, smua laa, mmg kitorg suka cari psl antara satu sama lain, haha..
ingat lg, dia cari psl dgn aku, then aku heret dia masuk pejabat, jumpe pengetua, haha
then dia kene marah :P sedangkan aku yg cari, baling kerusi lg kat dia, haha xD
ohh, he is my headprefect.. dia yg kepala batu, kepala besi, keras kepala, panas baran, tegas, dengki, evil gilaa, show off -.- tp hati dia baik, sopan bila ckp.. haha, * kutuk2 dia plak xD
ohh, ayah dia officemates, adik dia dgn adik aku ? kwn baik plaak -.-' haha
kitorg mmg suka b'gaduh ! dia suka kenekan aku, then satu kelas kitorg ckp yg dia bf aku time drjh 6 sbb sikap kitorg lebih kurang, BANYAK CANTIK ! :P terima kasih je laa, haha..

eh, panjang sudaa, haha xD
byee :)

hmm o.0

first ! korg x MINTAK MAAF PUN !
second, salah sorg dr korg yg mintak maaf je, thats why aku tegur dia, aku lyn dia..
korg ade ke TEXTING aku ckp mintak maaf ?
dia yg x buat salah pun dr aku, dia yg mintak maaf, sedangkan korg yg buat !

aku sedar aku sape ! x layak pun kan korg jadkan kwn ?
aku x nak pun group dgn korg, aku just nak DILAYAN !
aku x kate yg aku bole dpt A+ smua subjek..

mmg bende ni masalah kecik, mmg korg malas pun nak layan bende2 remeh ni..
aku tau aku bukan pun member group korg, aku mmg x nak pun..
sape yg buat cite tu, sape yg ckp yg aku terasa sbb aku x de dlm group korg tu, MMG ORG TU BUAT FITNAH !

aku just nak b'gaul dgn smua org, aku nak b'kwn dgn smua org..
aku terasa bila nadiah kate aku ni "sibuk laa" time tu aku ajak nak gi kat I utk wish, then ckp x jad pegi jumpe I.. bila aku duduk, then korg smua pegi..
terasa aku ni dipinggirkan walaupun aku tau aku ni bukan member korg..
but at least x pyh la smpi mcm tu, satu hari suntuk HARITU korg x lyn aku..
aku dtg kat korg , korg buat mcm x suka je aku ade..

p/s : sape yg menyibuk tu, BOLE BLAH LAA ! biar empunye diri baca !
yg buat fitnah tu, GO TO HELL !

Saturday, October 16, 2010

nur nabilah Binti Eshamudin ;)

* sorry nabilah, kite curi gmbr awak, haha

kenapa dgn ini budak ? haha, ni kwn lama aku time sklh rendah..
serious ! da lama gila x jumpe dia since last year kot, haha
dlu kitorg ni kirakan kwn baik time sklh rendah, dia dgn afiqah..
dia nikan, smpi skrg sama je, x de yg berubah, tetap comeel, haha..
yup, rindu gila dgn dia !
kitorg prnh sekelas, sebilik :) tp blum sebantal, hahaha =.= * mengarut
nak jumpe dia, kene tunggu mama buat kenduri or open house, confirm dia ade, haha..

now, i heard she in relationship with jazli * woot woot, haha
ohh, jazli pun kwn aku jgak, kitorg b'tiga sama sklh..
x sangka plak diorg ni couple, huhu..
bila di sklh rendah b'kwn, bila di sklh menengah b'couple.. caya laa ! haha
congrats korg b'dua :)
lagu utk korg.. you found me by kelly clarkson !

Bestie Forever ;)


hee, dua kali da tgk cite ni.. just kat tv je, huhu
tersentuh jgak hati tgk cite tu, haha..
citenye like cintakan seseorg dgn hati yg tulus, terima org tu seadanye..
jgn cintakan seseorg sbbkan paras rupa dan harta..
klw budi pekerti dia baik, wajah org yg kite pndg tu akan berseri dgn pekertinye :)

then tgk cite major movie star, perhh lagi la best ! haha
kinda like kite jgn terlalu percayakan sgt seseorg..
luar nmpk teruk or jahat, BUT hati dia baik :)
IF luar nmpk alim or baik, BUT hati dia dengki or evil the devil baik x pyh !! :P

Friday, October 15, 2010

kaki oh kaki :(

ape la nasib aku menimpa harini ?

aku ingat lg bila masa merentas desa.. time syok2, semangat gila nak lari.. half je lg nak tamat, tiba2 jatuh, then kaki terseliuh.. aku kan gila semangat * ye ke? sambung la balik lari..
sampai je sklh, ape yg berlaku? kaki trus bengkak smpi x bole jalan, BAGUS ! well done -.-' haha

now, kali kedua plak.. terkene jug besar ! perhh
da la jug, besar plak tu.. mcm mne bole terkene eh?
mcm ni, mama sruh buat air, guna jug besar.. bukak la almari, nak amik jug tu..
then, suddenly jatuh "gedebuk" kat ibu jari kaki..
trus b'denyut2 oww, then bengkak dlm, huhh -.-'

hopefully okay :)

jadual budak malas study last minute

harini nak study, agama kot..
esok sabtu, sejarah..
hari ahad, BM..

err, sabtu kene gi shah alam kot -,-' jumpe iqa kat rumah dia, swimming kat rumah dia, huhu
so, pandai pandai la mira oii..
kau yg pandai, kau yg gagal..
* keep reminds me that =.=


ohh, kenapa dgn saya ni? hahaha
2 kali mimpi anis, haha..

1st mimpi time aku tulis nama dia kat satu kertas..
"anis adrina (love, blog x bole buat bentuk love -.-) "
then anis datang nak tgk, but halang dia, haha..
* jgn la tnye knp halang, im not the director -.- *
ohh yeah mimpi jgak mg, tiba2 ade kat depan pintu lps larikan diri dr anis, haha..
then, pusing je kepala arah kanan, ade plak IM -.-' * 1st time dtg balik..
tu pun terlanggar dia, haha.. smpi la terbangun dr tido..

2nd mimpi time aku dgn ummi kat sklh, kat depan lab kot :\
tiba2 terdgr suara en shahrin menjerit melalak lalak, terpekik terlolong panggil anis and marah anis..
serious, dlm mimpi tu rse kesian gila laa kat anis..
ade ke patut kene marah? da la kat tgh2 perhimpunan, anis dgn en shahrin je ade..
then, anis jumpe kitorg kat depan lab, merah padam muka dia :O
it wont happen, its not true :)

hoho, tu la mimpi aku :) pd harini, hehe

what type add maths question is this ?

p to the power of x = q to the power of y = (pq) to the power of z. find the value of x in terms of y and z.

it means..
px = qy = (pq) z
x = ????????????????????

can somebody help me?? =,=

semakin hampir

kedatanganmu sudah lama ku nantikan..
asyik tunda je keje kau ye?
kau ingat kau tu sape? VIP ? VVIP ? VVVIP ? Vx10IP ?
ehh, x kuasa mak nak layan nyoahh !
da datang tu, datang je la, x pyh nak buat U-turn..
ingat ni ape?

haihh, bila kau datang, cepat la kau balik..
kan senang?
aku ade bnyk lagi keje nak buat lps kau pegi tahu x ??
haihhh, cepat laaa !! -,-

ehh, aku lupaa ! :O lmbtkan skit bawak tu, kang accident !
lupa nak buat preparation !

p/s : si DIA ni mmg mcm ni, mmg org x suka dia, wait ! SEMUA org x suka dia tau !
sbb ape ? DIA adalah EXAM !
mmg gedik gilaa la, aku yg x brape nak baik ni, terpaksa la layan..

miss IT !

yaww, haritu buat coklat ! haha
rindu sama coklat, hmm :) da lme sgt x makan..
anis order coklat, so aku offer yg simple, cheap and sweet..
yeap, bila skali je buat, kan dpt bnyk? bila anis order skit, lebih coklat kan ade lg?
so, ape lg, buat la lg.. then, ade buat jgak coklat yg aku biasa buat tu..

mmg best la, bljr sambil makan !
ajaran terbaik laa ! haha

Thursday, October 14, 2010

song (:

haha, thanks syai.. bukak je prof syai, tgk ade video lagu jordan pruitt..
err, x kenal pun sapa dia, haha..
anyway, tgk lagu jordan tu ade..
i love the lyrics by him..

when i pretend..
i wanna go back..
one love..

this three songs only, just i love the lyrics, not the songs actually, hahaa..
fyi, i am not the pro to give result whats the best song to hear..
because, i only love the lyrics :)

if taylor swift.. yeap, youre not sorry..

if rihanna.. ohh yess, i love love love this song..
russian roullette..

other songs, i love A LOT are..
imma be.. OMG.. my first kiss ! so what.. if we ever meet again.. new classic.. need you now.. penyembuh rindu.. nadiku.. never say goodbye.. im yours.. forever and always..

sweetest song mostly i love are..
when i look at you.. lets just fall in love again.. your love is my drug.. my heart.. ada cinta.. sampai menutup aurat.. yang sempurnakan ku.. mine.. getar hati.. seribu tahun..

see, hear, take advantages and disadvantages, love it !

getar hati - gio

Saat pertama aku mengenal dirimu
Berdetar jiwa ragaku kau mempersoraku
Tanpamu aku lemah
Kau berikan kucahaya
Terangi gelap hidupku
Kululuh Padamu

Dengar Hatiku
Kan ku Bisikan Cintaku (Cintaku)
Lihat Jiwaku
Kan Kau Dapatkan Setia....ku
Ingat Diriku Kau Kan Rasakan Rinduku
Untuk Dirimu KanKu Berikan Hidupku..wooo

chatting ? look at ur right and below of ur monitor :D

Open Cbox
